What is Confirmation?
Confirmation is a Sacrament in the Catholic Church in which the one who is being confirmed (confirmandi) receives the gifts of the Holy Spirit through the imposition of hand and anointing with oils by the Bishop. It’s considered a Sacrament of Initiation which means that it brings you deeper into communion with the Church.
The Confirmation process is a journey in which the candidate will explore different aspects of Faith, Church Ministry and Service. It will also be a time of formation as candidates will be finding their identity as Catholic Youth or Young Adult within the Catholic Church. This process necessitates a full commitment from the Candidate, Parents/Guardians, Sponsors, and Church members as this is a Sacrament that, by definition, calls for a time of reflection on personal faith and a more active participation in the life of the Church.
The Confirmation Programme is specifically developed to engage young Catholics in a meaningful conversation about the genius of Catholicism. It teaches and inspires teens to respond to God’s grace.
Must be between the Age of 13 -17 Years.
Must be able to attend class at St. Francis of Assisi R.C. Church.
Duration of Programme Two Years.
Registration Cost: $150 per Candidate.
Linx or Bank Transfer
R.C. Archbishop of POS / Sangre Grande
Branch: Republic Bank Ltd, Sangre Grande
Account No: 490254374801
Details: Confirmation Registration
Please Email a screenshot of the Transaction sangregrande@catholictt.org
Head Catechists
At St. Francis we have a diverse team of Trained Catechists to lead your children to become the best version of themselves when they join our Confirmation Programme.
Our Catechetical Team is led by:
Ms. Tishana Hinds
Ms. Kimberley Wellington
Registration will take place from Thursday 7th March 2024.