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The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process used by the Catholic Church to present the beliefs of this faith to those adults who have made a conscious decision to explore coming into full communion with the Church by receiving the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation & First Communion) .


Our RCIA Team, in conjunction with the pastoral staff, is committed to the presentation of the doctrine of our faith, in a welcoming and understandable manner, to members of our community who have made the decision to seek this step in their personal faith journey, and join with us as we strive to live the mission of Jesus Christ through prayer, service, outreach, fellowship and a true sense of family, as we minister to all members of our parish and community, especially to those in need.

Formation Classes

Classes take place on Thursdays at St. Francis Church


Head R.C.I.A. Catechist: Mrs. Savi John 




Age: 17 years and older.


Registration is currently open Online and at the Parish Office.


St. Francis of Assisi R.C. Parish, Sangre Grande



39-49 Brierley Street

Sangre Grande,  450113

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